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Friday, 02 August 2019

VIOFF – Golden Arts in the name of Music and dance

VIOFF – Golden Arts in the name of Music and dance

During the third edition of VIOFF, Vicenza’s old town will be pervaded by golden notes thanks to a series of unmissable events.

Among them, we’d like to highlight Vicenza in Lirica’s 7th edition from 31st Augusto to 15th September. It is for this occasion that selected downtown shop windows will be decorated with precious arrangements to combine characteristics of the opera with the gold and jewelry world. “Le Vetrine vestono Lirica e Oro” project aims to catch the eye of both opera fans and passersby by including them in the fascinating world of theatre, music and live exhibitions. In the same context, another important event is the mise-en-scène of “La Diavolessa”, a playful drama by Carlo Goldoni, that will take place at Teatro Olimpico on Sunday 8th September at 9 pm.

The wait for Vicenza in Festival’s concert of the popular singer Max Gazzè is also rising. It will take place in Piazza dei Signori on Friday 6th September at 9 pm.

The central Piazza will remain protagonist on Saturday 7th September too, thanks to the charming and elegant show of La Scala theatre of Milan: its principals and soloists will execute a coreography created exclusively to celebrate Golden Arts. After this special moment, the classic and neoclassic dance Gala will go on stage presenting duets from Rudolf Nureyev’s repertoire.

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