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Monday, 29 July 2019

30 years of successes for Fair Line

30 years of successes for Fair Line

Appointment with celebrations for Fair Line, a company of excellence born in the Vicenza area. During the first day of Vicenzaoro September, on Saturday September 7th at 7.00 pm in the Sala Palladio of the Expo Center, the convention dedicated to the 30 years of activity of the company will open, one of the most prestigious in the goldsmith district of Vicenza.

Leading the event will be founder Gabriella Centomo who will bring together national and international employees, collaborators and customers met in 30 years of activity. A woman who stood out on the market for reliability, fair play and fairness.
Fair Line, in fact, from the beginning has had to face difficult challenges, but with Gabriella's perseverance and tenacity the challenges have turned into opportunities. Like the choice of the 14 carat market in Eastern Europe, which took place in 1992.

Over the years the company has developed the Gabriella and Romeo brands, and has recently embraced digital evolution by including younger staff with new skills.
The Convention will therefore celebrate the old and new challenges of Fair Line under the motto "always fair" and the event can be followed live on facebook from 7.30 pm on their official page.

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